I've Been Thinking...........
A while back I changed the title of our blog. To tell you the absolute truth I really can't remember what it was before. Now it's titled, "The New Normal" That phrase has become a favorite mantra for me as I maneuver my way through the "hoods" as in Motherhood, Parenthood, Wifehood and every other "hood" possible to the imagination. I've slowly began to realize that I may never be exactly what I was when I was 20 years old. And slowly, but surely, but really slowwwwwlllllyyyy....I am becoming okay with that. I'm understanding that having three kids will never be like it was to have one, and I'm fine with that. "The New Normal" helps me to understand that the craziness that most times exists within my world is not so different than that of anyone else.
We are all figuring out our "New Normal." (Especially me)
And that segways into the following. I am not a big New Year's Resolutions person. I never have been. I've tried to be, believe me, I have. I would describe anything I try to change in my life in the following analogy. Picture me as one large rubber band. I can be pulled, stretched and expanded in many different directions at once. And then, just as a rubber band would do, I either bound back to my original, comfortable, safe self, or I break and snap others in the process. Either way it's not a pretty process. So this year I'm looking at 2011 as my year to slowly stretch myself.
So here are the ways I WILL do that
1. I will participate in my wonderful friend's challenge titled, The Balanced Life (Can't wait, Thanks Chris!)
2. I will make nutrition a priority and will exercise 4-6 times a week.
3. I will stop drinking Diet Coke
4. I will treat my family with the love they all deserve
5. I will read one book to my girls each night before bed and take time to cuddle, hug, encourage and cry with them. The dishes can wait, the laundry will always be dirty, but little hearts are growing and they need me more!
6. I will severely limit my Internet time. I mean really, it's pretty ridiculous lately =/
So far, this is my list. It's enough for me right now. There are some little things and there are some BIG things. But most importantly there are "things" =).
Happy Goal Setting!